
Archive for May, 2011

The famous BRS Curry sold at events…


Is soon to be available to try at home!

     /     \
   /  _ノ  ヽ、_  \   ”It’s depressing that you can
  /  o゚⌒   ⌒゚o  \      only get it at events!”
  |     (__人__)  |
  \     ` ⌒´     /
  ノ            \

We heard the fans voices, and so it has been changed into a pre-packaged sachet that can just be heated up and eaten – keeping the same unique taste of course!

Plus each packet of curry comes with a little charm!

One each of BRS-chan and DM-chan!


These are the two charms!

Look how BRS-chan has her spoon to her mouth ready to dive into the curry! It’s so cute! 😛

They’re quite small, but very detailed for their size!

They still look good even when I take a close-up picture like this one!


A closer look at the DM-chan charm!

Ah! DM-san! You’re drooling!! xD

The spoon DM-chan is holding seems slightly bigger than BRS-chan’s spoon!

It seems DM-chan is confident that she can more curry than BRS-chan 😛


This is how they look from the back!

Those round heads are so cute! And look at the tiny little wings on DM’s back!


Here we have the curry in its sachet!

There are two different options to get, but only the charm changes between them – the curry is the same in both sets. If you want both charms just grab both and then share the curry with a friend!


You simply warm it up in hot water!

Today’s photos are coming from the Good Smile Cafe! (which is actually a Madoka Cafe at the moment). A big thanks to the Cafe staff for taking time out of your busy schedule to let us use some of the kitchen!


BRS Curry!

The color of the photo didn’t come out great because of the lightin, but…

It has a more blackish color compared to other curry!

       /::::::::::  u\
      /:::::::::⌒ 三. ⌒\   ”Eh? Black Curry…?”
    /:::::::::: ( ○)三(○)\    
    |::::::::::::::::⌒(__人__)⌒  | ________
     \::::::::::   ` ⌒´   ,/ .| |           |
    ノ::::::::::u         \ | |           |
  /:::::::::::::::::      u       | |           |
 |::::::::::::: l  u              | |           |
 ヽ:::::::::::: -一ー_~、⌒)^),-、   | |_________|
  ヽ::::::::___,ノγ⌒ヽ)ニニ- ̄   | |  |

If you’re worried about the black color, then stop worrying!

The BRS Curry is made by Indotei!

Indotei is brushing up to be one of the most famous curry stores in Matsudo – they even recently featured in a magazine – there is no way their curry will not be delicious!


I made two servings!

The stuff on top of the rice is mayonnaise! The BRS Curry at events also had some mayonnaise on the top – it adds a nice little mild taste to the curry!

Although it’s also of course just as good without the mayonnaise. 😛


Lunch is served!

Here we have Megahara from the advertising team and Nagaizumi from the sales team (and the person in charge of the BRS curry product!) trying out the curry! I kinda want some myself too now… I should have made three…


Even though it’s pre-packaged there are nice big pieces of meat!

Plus it smells absolutely delicious! Just look at BRS-chan and DM-chan on the other side… they definitely want some for themselves! 😛


She is taking the first bite!

Well? Well? How is it?!

     / ̄ ̄\
   / .ー  ー \ ← Megahara
   |  (≡) (≡) |  
   |  (__人__)|    ”Ooh! It’s really good!”
   |   `i  i´  | 
   |   . `⌒   }      
   ヽ       } 
    ヽ     ノ 
   /      ヽ 

That’s it…?

Is what I thought at first, but she ate it so quickly after that, that she didn’t really need to say anymore…  😛


Nagaizumi’s turn to try some!

     / ̄ ̄\
   / .\  / \ ← Nagaizumi
   | (ー) (ー) |  
   |  (__人__) |   ”It’s not too spicy and not too bland –
   |   `i  i´  |     just how I like it. It tastes even better
   |   . `⌒   }      than it looks! Plus it’s filled with tender meat!”
   ヽ       } 
    ヽ     ノ 
   /      ヽ 

Oh, I see! That’s a much more fulfilling answer!

If it’s so good though then I will just have to have a bite myself!

It really is delicious!

Much better tasting than the normal pre-packaged curries!


All finished!

As Nagaizumi takes the same pose as the BRS-chan charm… 😛


BRS Curry and Charm Set!

A set of both will cost 2000JPY!

You may be thinking that it’s “too expensive for curry!”, but remember…

They each come with a charm as well!

I’m sure some people will even buy it for the charm, and get the curry an as extra. ^^;

There are two ways you can get hold of the curry and charm sets:
■ Reserve at Circle K Sunkus stores!


You’ll find a pamphlet titled ‘Karuwaza Online Select’ at the Circle K Sunkus stores – they are normally found lying around the ‘Karuwasa Station’ in the stores.

        /     \    ”What’s a Karuwasa Station…?”
     /   ⌒  ⌒ \     
   /     (●)  (●) \
    |   、” ゙)(__人__)” )|  ___________
   \      。` ⌒゚:j´ ,/j゙~~| | |             |
__/          \  |__| | |             |
| | /   ,              \n||  | |             |
| | /   /         r.  ( こ) | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn        |\(⊆ソ |_|__________|
 ̄ \__、(“二) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄l二二l二二  _|_|__|_

It’s a machine that looks a little bit like an ATM… if you can’t find it just ask in-store! If you open up that pamphlet you’ll find a page that features the BRS Curry and Charm set – just take note of the product number.

Make your pre-order at the Karuwasa Station, and pay at the register!

If you can’t find the pamphlet, you can also just trust me when I say that…

The product code is: 1106133!

Just input this number into the Karuwasa Station!
■ Internet Pre-order!


You can also order some from the ‘Karuwasa Online’ website!

Simply access the page below and add it to your cart and checkout – there is nothing easier!
■ Karuwasa Online:

The curry will only be sold at Circle K Sunkus stores!
There is also a limited stock, so get your orders in if you are interested!

Anyway, that’s all for today!
I hope to see you all again tomorrow!  (・∀・)ノ゛

(C)huke / B★RS Project

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