
Archive for the ‘Other’ Category

Thanks to everyone for all the title suggestions!


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I received a total of 1,067 entries!

There were some people who were also talking about how close they were to the offices now, and others who said they were just getting into figures – it was great to read through some of the messages along with the entires. Getting some friendly words and cheering having moved to a new place is very reassuring – so a big thanks to everyone who entered and left a message for me!

Anyway, onto the official announcement!

The new blog title will be…

17UP from Oshiage Station!

– by Mameppo!

This of course refers to the fact that the offices are 17 stories up from the ground floor, but it also has a kind of gamer feeling to it like getting 17 1UPs in Mario! – or at least, thats how I decided to interpret it, and thus that became the title of my choice! Now I just need to make sure that I don’t manage to end up losing with these 17 extra lives! 😛

Everyone who was in my top 15 choices…


… will be receiving a small GSC-Seijin Plushie along with a Gumako Keychain!

There were a few people who sent in the same title, in which case I selected the winner randomly, sorry!! Here are the winners:

R  | Tontanman  | Taijinrou  | kuro  | Shiraishi Nikoru  | Hiroki  | Ukame to Konfu no Chigai ga Wakaranai Mono  | Komando  | Namonaki Imoge  | Dabu  | Guurara Megami  | Shad  | Herudaibu  | Shioshio  | DAC

I should have sent a mail to everyone above as well as Mameppo!, so please send through your address so you can receive your prizes!

As of yesterday, the 11th July 2012, this blog has been running for 5 years and is now into its 6th year! I can’t believe how long it has been going for! I know for sure that I’d never be able to keep a diary, so I’m quite impressed with myself for managing to keep up with the blog for so long. ^^;

Of course, it is really all thanks to all the readers that the blog has lasted so long! There is no way I would have carried on without all the support I get, and I’m grateful to every single one of you who reads the blog! I’ll continue to write the best articles and introduce some of the best products for everyone in return, so I hope you’ll all continue to follow the blog!


But anyway, that’s all for today!
I hope to see you all again tomorrow!! (・∀・)ノ゛

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