
Archive for April 19th, 2011

Now to Play with a threeA Figure!

Yesterday I explained a little about threeA…
Today I’ll be playing with a threeA model!

To be more specific, I’ll be reviewing this figure here:


(wiki Extract)
Armstrong is the smartest bot from Rothchild, it has independent goal based decision making routines, which is a first for any bot. just tell it what is needed and he will work out the rest.” M.O.D. were reportedly able to steal some Armstrongs and modify them for their own purposes.Armstrongs come in 2 “G” variations: 0G and 1G. The “G” designation refers to gravity, with 0G representing Luna gravity, and 1G representing Earth gravity. All WWR Armstrongs are made in the 0G variant with the exception of one announced 1G.

Last week these four Armstrongs were on the GSC site!


Left: ARMSTRONG Floyd 0G

Right: ARMSTRONG Monet 0G

Left: ARMSTRONG Mod 7 1G

Right: ARMSTRONG Gerry 1G

These are all the same Armstrong model, but as you can see the coloring differs between the types.
The names like ‘Floyd’ and ‘Gerry’ are not yet given any real meaning – they might a specific ability they have or the team they belong to… fans of the series enjoy that kind of undetermined secrets in the setting as well. It gives the world a spirit that fans can all talk together about.

Right, so let me start taking a look at them!

     / ̄ ̄\
   / . _ノ  ヽ、\ ← Enon
   | o゚⌒  ⌒゚o |  
   |  (__人__) |  ”Sorry… we don’t actually have one yet…”
   |   `i  i´  | 
   |   . `⌒   }      
   ヽ       } 
    ヽ     ノ 
   /      ヽWh-What?! ((((;゚Д゚))))


So instead I’ve just stolen a different Armstrong from Enon’s desk. 😛

This Armstrong is from the team I introduced yesterday…
The EMGY-TRG ( Emergency-Tactical Response Group)!

The paint work, weapons and backpack will be different on the actual figure, but today I just want to introduce the robot itself!


This is how it looks from the back!

Apparently the giant exhausts on the backpack are used for jumps and hovering! The figure itself unfortunately won’t have those capablities, but the exhausts are on an axis so they can be posed in different directions!


What incredible paint work…!

The painting on the WWR figures really is top notch!

It really looks like rusted metal! Fantastic!

     / ̄ ̄\
   / .ー  ー \  ← Enon
   |  (●) (●) |  
   | (__人__) |    ”This is actually made from soft vinyl”
   |   `i  i´  | 
   |   . `⌒   }      
   ヽ       } 
    ヽ     ノ 
   /      ヽ Really?! Soft vinyl?!

Nendoroids are made from PVC and ABS, but the WWR series is made from soft vinyl and ABS.


They are also very posable!

Just looking at the arm – the shoulder, upper arm, elbow and wrist are all posable!

It’s also incredibly easy to strike a pose!
They are designed very sturdily so you can have a load of fun trying to get them into different poses without worrying about it falling apart!


Even the fingers are posable!

It’s incredible! They really can be posed in almost any way a human hand could be posed!! You can even make a peace sign! xD

I apologize to all fans of the series for the completely irrelevant posing… but I’m just trying to get my point across here! They really are fun and easy to put into all kinds of poses!


The bag on it’s hip is really made from real cloth!

The paint work on it is also stunning… it really looks worn and dirty… plus you can even open it up!


I feel a little sorry for all the poses I’m putting it through, so this time…

A more appropriate pose holding a gun!

Seen the arms move around so easily you can make it hold the gun with absolutely no troubles. Even someone like me can get him into a relatively ‘cool’ pose, and I’m normally terrible with anything besides cute poses. 😛


The sculpting of the gun is stunning!!

Look at all the tiny details!!
The Armstrong itself is of course super detailed but the gun alone could be sold as another product! Also, although it’s not heavy at all it actually feels just like a real metal gun!


You can even remove the magazine!

    /:::::::: ( ○)三(○)\  ”You can even see the bullets inside!”
     \:::::::::   |r┬-|   /
    ノ::::::::::::  `ー’´ \All these little details make more and more incredible!
Even though I’ve only been playing with it for a few minutes it’s so fun finding all the tiny details that are a part of it. It’s a really incredible piece of art!


Collect other members from the team!

Armstrong is giving Square-chan a gift!
Displaying different robots from the same team creates an awesome effect. As I said yesterday, I really want to get my hands on the white ‘Medic’ mean… I’ll get them yet!


Lunar Camo Armstrong 0G!

There are some of the GSC’s staff only personal collections. Whilst the yellow EMGY-TRG team are part of Earth’s robots, these ones here are from Mars!

In other words, they are enemies!! (((゚Д゚)))

The setting of WWR really has a deep storyline to it!! The more I find out the more I want to find out! It’s quite scary! 😛

Left: ARMSTRONG Floyd 0G

Right: ARMSTRONG Monet 0G


Left: ARMSTRONG Mod 7 1G

Right: ARMSTRONG Gerry 1G

The four Armstrong Units!

       /      \
      /  ─    ─ \
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 ヽ    -一ー_~、⌒)^),-、 | |_________|
  ヽ ____,ノγ⌒ヽ)ニニ- ̄   | |  |

They are now available for preorder!

Deliveries to certain areas cannot be made due to the recent earthquake, but as soon as possible products will be sent out. For ordering details or questions please check out our partner shops.

All of our future products may be delayed due to shipping problems, planned blackouts and other circumstances with the shipping companies, but we will strive to keep them all on the same schedule they are currently on. It’s hard to determine how things will turn out in the current circumstances, but we hope everyone will understand!

Anyway, that’s all for today!
I hope to see you all again tomorrow!! (・∀・)ノ゛

* Please note that this blog’s contents is originally written for a Japanese audience and is then translated for our foreign customers. All pre-order and release dates are the Japanese dates. Also note that not all products can be sold in certain areas

(C)ThreeA Trading Company Limited 2011. All right reserved

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