
Archive for January 10th, 2012

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While wandering around the office, I found an interesting looking box at Sacchan’s desk…

As it’s the first prototype review of the year, I can’t wait to get started!

…or so I thought…. but my beloved Sony Alpha 350 camera is behaving quite strangely… it’s still working, so I’ll continue using it for now… it’s just acting up sometimes. This camera has been with me on the best of days for many years… I can’t just abandon it!


The first figure review for the year will be…

The 9th product from the Cheerful JAPAN! Project:

Nendoroid Luka Megurine: Cheerful Ver.!

A special Cheerful version of Nendoroid Luka is here to join the rest of the Cheerful JAPAN! series! Along with Octo-Luka!


Cheerful JAPAN!


The damage that has occurred during the March 11 quake in the Touhoku region is astounding, and in order to get over the destruction caused there is a lot that needs to be done, and lots of support that needs to be given. Good Smile Company has formed a support group named ‘Cheerful Japan’ which will strive to support the relief efforts for as long as possible. For at least 1 year we be releasing charity products among other efforts to raise donation money for the cause. To everyone who supports the Cheerful Japan movement – thank you, and know that your money is going where it is needed!


As always, all the original parts are included!

But there are also various ‘cheerful’ version extras!
The arm parts on this version are also separated in a better way. There is a connector between the upper arm and hand parts, allowing you to exchange hand parts, and rotate them!


Luka’s lovely singing face!

Singing with her eyes closed… Luka looks so mature compared to the other Vocaloids. The Octo-Luka next to her also has two posable tentacles! Lovely!


The ‘Agoaniki’ expression!

She also has hands spread out to the left and right, which all together let you recreate the pose from the Double Lariat music video! I really love Agoaniki’s songs! They’re really touching. (I even went to Osaka to watch the live :P)


Now we’ll take a look at the Cheerful parts!
First up is her ponytail!

Luka has tied up her long hair so she can better cheer on for everyone! It’s amazing how different she looks by just changing her hairstyle… but the ponytail really suits her! Somehow it makes me want to put on apron on her…


This is how she looks from the back!

You can even see the little waves at the tips of her hair! The ponytail is also fitted with a joint allowing you to move it around however you like!

The back of Octo-Luka is also adorable! It’s so round! xD


Pink pompons!

As with all the previous Nendoroids in the Cheerful series, Luka comes with her own pink pompons to cheer everyone on! If Luka were to cheer for me, I know I’d be able to get though the day with no problems!! 😛

She also comes with a new bent left arm!
Luka normally has a kind of bracelet covering up her arm, but that was removed for the bent arm. If you look at the picture below an compare the arms it might be easier to see what I’m talking about. In order for her to be able to hold the optional parts, we needed to replace the big bracelet with a smaller gold ring – I think it suits her quite nicely.


She also comes with a tambourine!
… and Octo-Luka has a sun-visor!

Both of these have the Cheerful JAPAN! logo printed on them! The sun-visor is Nendoroid Petite size, so you can attach it to other characters as well! (Well… at least most characters… there might be some it won’t fit on!)


The 9th product from the Cheerful JAPAN! Project:

Nendoroid Luka Megurine: Cheerful Ver.!

■ She will cost 3500JPY.
Shipping is free in Japan, and 2000JPY overseas.
For each figure sold, Good Smile Company will donate 1000JPY to aid relief efforts.

Please note the following if you’re interested in ordering:

[Purchases Within Japan]
This product can be ordered from the following stores:
Please see their respective home pages for more information.
・GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP: http://cheerful-japan.ecq.sc/
・GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP Mobile: http://cheerful-japan.ecq.sc/

■ Orders can be made between 11th January 2012 (Wed) at 11:00 until the 30th January 2012 (Mon).
■ Delivery within Japan is free of charge.
■ Delivery will be in May 2012.
■ Five figures per person will be available.
■ Payment will be via bank transfer or credit card. Cash-on-delivery will not be an option.
■ Products will be made to order. Please order within the dates specified above.
■ If you have any questions please email shop@goodsmile.jp. Japanese only.

[Overseas Sales]

・GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP: http://cheerful-japan-global.ecq.sc

■ Orders can be made between 11th January 2012 (Wed) at 11:00 (JST) until the 30th January 2012 (Mon) at 20:00 (JST).
■ Five figures per person will be available.
■ Figures will be made to order.
■ Figures will start being sent out from May 2012.
■ Payment must be done via credit card.
■ Your credit card will be charged on order, and not when the product is sent. This is due to the donation taking place before products are delivered.
■ Shipping will be charged at 2000JPY to all countries.
■ You may be charged additional fees such as import tax and customs duties when buying from overseas. Please be aware of this before ordering.
■ Payment will be in Japanese Yen.
■ Please mail shop.overseas@goodsmile.jp if you have any questions. English only please.

Orders will be taken at the GSC Online shop from 11th January at 11:00 and continue until the 30th at 20:00.


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Anyways, that’s all for today!
I hope to see you all again tomorrow! (・∀・)ノ゛
(C)三月八日/アゴアニキ/Crypton Future Media,Inc.
All times are JST. (Japanese Standard Time).

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