
Archive for July 3rd, 2012

The Skytree—!!!


GSC, Max Factory and Phat! Company have finished their move to the Skytree! (`・ω・´)

This is a picture taken from the president’s office! Quite an impressive view!!

We’re still settling down at the new offices, but we are starting work up again today. I’ll post a blog all about the new offices once everything has settled down a little more, but in the meantime I’ll take a look at this prototype that I grabbed before the move even started! (I’m glad I did, as I’d never be able to find them in the mountains of boxes at the moment!)


Nendoroid Petite :
Uta no Prince-sama – Maji Love 1000%

From the popular anime series ‘Uta no Prince-sama – Maji Love 1000%’ comes a set of all the princes to join the Nendo Petite series!

You can get a good feel for their size here!

They are each about 6.5cm in height – just compare them to the size of the mouse and keyboard and you’ll get a good idea of the size. There is of course also a secret character!

Otoya Ittoki from A Class!

He is posed holding his headphones in one hand with a lovely smile that shows off his cheerful personality! I also love the way his tie is a little loose!


Masato Hijirikawa from A Class!

The eldest son of the Hikirikawa Group! This was the first character I finished the game with, so he has a special place in my heart! I love the argyle pattern on his jersey!


Natsuki Shinomiya from Class!

The warm atmosphere that Natsuki brings about is captured with the Nendoroid perfectly! I have this urge to try to take his glasses off, but we’ll have to wait for the final product to see if that’ll be possible! His rather difficult to sculpt hairstyle has also been shrunk into Nendoroid form nicely!

Tokiya Ichinose from S Class!

He is sculpted with his arms folded in a very stylish pose! I think all of them are sculpted incredibly, but Tokiya really seems to capture the character the best of them all! (There are lots of Tokiya fans at GSC who were very glad to see how he came out! :P)


Ren Jinguuji from S Class!

As soon as I could just hear him saying ‘Lady’ in my head… Ren has a fairly mature looking pose that suits him well. The long fringe and slightly open shirt are great!


Syo Kurusu from S Class!

Syo is super cute in the series and even cuter as a Nendoroid! His hat can be attached and removed for some extra posing options as well!! I think I’ll feel happier everyday having that straight-forward gaze and lovely smile next to me at my desk.


All displayed together!

There are a total of 7 to collect including one secret character! (゚∀゚)ノ

They cost ¥500 each and come in a sealed box – you won’t know which prince you’ll get until it’s open! There will also be a box available with 8 figures in, making it slightly cheaper than the normal 12 figure boxes for the bigger Nendoroid Petite series.


Nendoroid Petite :
Uta no Prince-sama – Maji Love 1000%

They’ll be on the GSC website tomorrow, but sales will be exclusive to animate! (`・ω・´)

If you have any preorder or sales queries please contact animate!

I’ll be continuing my review tomorrow!!

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Anyway, that’s all for today!
I hope to see you all again tomorrow!! (・∀・)ノ゛

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